Criminals as Agents

Agents should be criminals. Criminals shouldn't be Agents. Allow me to explain. Criminals are an additional (read: optional) profession for a reason. For every justification a player could have for playing a criminal, there's usually a corresponding profession in the federal government that would meet their needs. For example, say Player A wants to play a professional breaking-and-entering expert with skills in lockpicking. The alternative would be to play a black bag specialist for one of any number of intelligence or law enforcement agencies. If their reason ultimately comes down to not wanting to play a member of the government, they're failing to engage with a core tenet of the game and the setting in its current form. This doesn't necessarily apply to previous (dare I say "pulpier") editions of Delta Green or different operational timelines (like the Cowboy Era). Criminals are, by their very nature, control issues. They're commonly anti-authority, w...