
Criminals as Agents

  Agents should be criminals. Criminals shouldn't be Agents. Allow me to explain. Criminals are an additional (read: optional) profession for a reason. For every justification a player could have for playing a criminal, there's usually a corresponding profession in the federal government that would meet their needs. For example, say Player A wants to play a professional breaking-and-entering expert with skills in lockpicking. The alternative would be to play a black bag specialist for one of any number of intelligence or law enforcement agencies. If their reason ultimately comes down to not wanting to play a member of the government, they're failing to engage with a core tenet of the game and the setting in its current form. This doesn't necessarily apply to previous (dare I say "pulpier") editions of Delta Green or different operational timelines (like the Cowboy Era). Criminals are, by their very nature, control issues. They're commonly anti-authority, w...

The Guns of Delta Green

  In July 2024, shortly after the launch of the "Investigations 101" guide, I came out with another focusing on the guns of Delta Green . In it, I discussed everything from stance and grip, terminal ballistics, and different types of firearms to how effective suppressors really are and the differences between cover and concealment. A PDF version of the guide can be found  HERE , while a PowerPoint version can be found HERE . Additionally, Sergio and I discussed "The Guns of Delta Green " in depth in our August 2024 episode of The Dead Drop, which you can watch  HERE .

Investigations 101: A Foundational Guide to Uncovering the Truth in Delta Green

Back in May 2024, I wrote and distributed a guide on how to conduct investigations in Delta Green . It includes such topics on how Agents might initially respond to a given scene, searching for evidence, conducting records checks, and conducting interviews and interrogations. Hopefully this is something Handlers and Agents alike will find useful. A PDF version of the guide can be found HERE . Additionally, Sergio and I discussed "Investigations 101" in depth in our May 2024 episode of The Dead Drop, which you can watch HERE .

Getting Read In to Delta Green

Getting Read In DEFINITION : A slang phrase used within the military and intelligence communities to describe accessing an individual to classified information, specifically Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and Special Access Programs (SAPs).

Welcome to Black Project Declassified!

Howdy folks, and welcome to Black Project Declassified! I'm Vince, and you may (or may not) know me as the Handler behind Black Project Gaming 's A Night at the Opera , Impossible Landscapes , and God's Teeth campaigns. I've also had the distinct pleasure of helping Sergio of Mayday Roleplay craft Seasons 2, 3, and 4 of his amazing Delta Green campaign, Doomed to Repeat (you can also hear me pop up as Donald Poe, aka Agent CHARLIE). Sergio and I also launched a Delta Green discussion show called The Dead Drop , where we discussed various aspects of the game, reviewed scenarios, and even produced a complete guide to running Impossible Landscapes . Finally, I've had a chance to help the Stories & Lies crew out with their own production, guest starring as Deputy Director of the FBI Matthew Carpenter (aka Agent ADAM). If you couldn't tell, I absolutely adore horror in general and Delta Green specifically. I'm hoping to continue sharing that passion via b...